There is a new natural diet on the market and it’s worth talking about. It is called The Green Coffee Bean diet!
What are “green coffee beans”??
Well, green coffee refers to the raw or unroasted seeds (beans) of Coffea fruits. These beans are dried, roasted, ground and brewed to produce coffee.
Why do “green coffee beans” aid in weight loss??
Coffee is most known for its taste and ability to get you moving faster in the morning as a result of its caffeine content. However, coffee’s ability to control how fast your body absorbs sugar (i.e. glycemic control) and thus weight control is attributed to other components. These “other ingredients” include chlorogenic acid, quinides, lignans and trigonelline; all of which have been shown to improve glucose metabolism in animal studies.
The component in Green Coffee Beans that is most discussed is the chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid actually inhibits an enzyme called glucose-6-phosphatase . This enzyme is responsible to the formation of sugar in the liver. In other words, the chlorogenic acid in coffee may be responsible, or at least partially responsible for the reduced risk of glycemic disorders, like diabetes, with long-term coffee exposure.
Supporting Scientific Literature For Green Coffee Beans
Green Coffee Beans for use in weight loss have been backed by scientific literature. In a more recent scientific study published in 2012 in the Journal of Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, researchers followed a group of 16 adults whose diets where supplemented with a special green extract of chlorogenic acids (i.e. key ingredient in the Green Coffee Bean). Note that all 16 adults were considered obese with a BMI greater than 25.

Each person in the above study was given a different dosages of chlorogenic acids – either 700 or 1050mg/day for 12 weeks. Shockingly, the subjects on average lost almost 18 pounds! This was equates to 10% of their overall body weight and 4.4% of their overall body fat.
Dr.Oz Puts The “Green Coffee Bean” Diet To The Test!
So you are probably wondering where Dr. Oz fits into all of this. Well, he wanted to test this product to see if it actually worked and the results were great! Indeed, the Dr.Oz show’s medical unit enlisted 100 women between the age of 25 and 45 on this diet. Note that none of the women were breast feeding or pregnant, and had NO medical problems.
Each participant received either the green coffee bean extract or a placebo pill and were instructed to take one 400mg capsule, three times a DAY, 30 minutes before each meal. Also, it is important to mention that no participants knew which pill they were given and were instructed not to change their diet. The Dr. Oz show even made them keep a food journal to learn what these women were eating.
The results were very good. The women who tool the green coffee bean extract lost, on average 2 lbs. This is a very healthy weight loss number and signifies that no water weight was loss, just fat.
Dr. Oz has mentioned many times that he does not support brands, just products. Many companies do sell this product which is why he recommends it.
Eco-Savy stands strong behind this “natural” weight loss supplement which is why it is featured on our blog this week. We hope you get the same success our staff has achieved with this product.
If you are interested in the product, you can order it right here on our website by clicking the link below. We have found one of the best manufacturers of the Green Coffee Bean and strongly recommend you buy it if you are having trouble losing weight.