Eating For Energy

Isn’t it odd that cancer hospitals never existed before 1904 (the first was the American Oncological Hospital) and that nowadays the American Cancer Society tells us that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women are at risk of developing cancer in their lifetime!

Have you ever noticed that wild animals do not suffer from obesity, cancer, or the other disease that now plague humans? These beautiful animals are as nature intended – healthy, fit, and suited for survival. And guess what…that’s what nature has intended for you as well.


But what is shocking and downright sad is that when animals are taken from their natural wild habitats, and domesticated, they begin to exhibit the same symptoms and diseases that effect most humans. Have you ever owned a pet that was put down because it suffered from “human” disease? I know many people who have. It’s not right. Not for a dog, cat, nor for you and me, either!

There is obviously something we are doing and eating that is creating disease instead of promoting health and vital energy!

Wouldn’t you rather eat as nature intended for you? Your body was created to eat natural whole foods, preferably in their raw living state — not as cooked foods that are void of nutrients, enzymes, and life energy!

Eco-Savy highly recommends the program “Eating for Energy“. Eating for Energy will show you how to transition from a dead food diet into a way of eating that incorporates more alkalizing, enzyme-rich, energy producing raw foods.

The difference between dead and living foods can easily be seen in the following 2 kirlian photographs. The one on the left is of raw organic broccoli. Notice the energy emanating from it. Conversely, the broccoli on the right has been lightly steamed for just 1 minute! Notice the drastic reduction in energy or life force.

Considering that we are physical beings with undeniable energy properties, which broccoli would you rather feed your body? Having said that, there’s nothing wrong with eating cooked foods on occasion. But for ultimate energy and health, raw foods should make up a greater portion of what you eat.

One of the Most Powerful Nutrition Programs Ever Developed on Boosting Your Energy and Enjoying a Life of Vitality!

With Eating for Energy, you’re about to discover what might be the most powerful energy-boosting raw food diet ever developed. It’s a similar approach to simple and natural nutrition used by the healthiest people that inhabit our planet including the Hunza of the Himalayas and the Tarahumara of Mexico (both of whom live well above 100 years old in great health).

It is also used by many celebrities to help them lose weight and reach single digit body fat levels. But most importantly, the raw food approach you’ll learn about in Eating for Energy is so straightforward, powerful, and simple that even applying just 10% of its principles will change your life forever! I guarantee it.

You don’t have to be stranded on a deserted island, have access to millions of superfood ingredients, or be a raw foodist for this raw food diet to work for you. If so, that’s great but that’s not intention with this ebook.


Eco-Savy guarantees within a matter of days or a few shorts weeks of reading Eating for Energy:

  • You will have more energy than a toddler on a sugar high!
  • You will lose fat permanently without wrecking your metabolism!
  • You will look 10 years younger and make cosmetic models envious of your glowing skin!
  • You can eat more…yet, you won’t want to!
  • You will overcome crippling “bad” food cravings and finally be in control of the foods you put in your body!
  • You will know more about how to eat healthy than most nutrition professors!
  • You will slow the aging process, live longer, and rarely get sick again!
  • You will feel so much better about yourself and have unstoppable confidence to live your life to the max!
  • You will have more physical strength, stamina, and vigor!

Click Here!

Natural Weight Loss Secret: Spices

Next time you want a more natural, eco-friendly, healthy alternative to loosing a few pounds, forget buying weight-loss supplements or killing yourself at the gym.

New research in the journal called Flavour shows that breathing in strong aroma’s from spices such as rosemary and peppermind prior to eating can actually help you eat 5 to 10% less of a meal.

Aromas and weight loss-

The author of the article, Dr. Rene de Wijk (Ph.D) from Wageningen University in the Netherlands says that “people may unconsciously take smaller bites to regulate the amount of flavour.”

PEPPERMINT was one of the first natural ingredients that was tested for weight loss in association with aroma. The best study I came across was conducted at the Wheeling Jesuit University in Wheeling, West Virginia by Bryan Raudenbush.

In another study involving peppermint, a scientist by the name of Bryan had asked 40 participants (large enough group to avoid bias) to sniff peppermint every two hours for five days. In the remaining five days a placebo was given to them. I am guessing the placebo was a scent very similar to peppermint, but lacked the distinct chemical makeup to be considered “peppermint”. The results were astounding. Overall, in the week that the participants sniffed peppermint, a total of 1,800 less calories were consumed.

“A large part of the reason that you feel full is your brain interpreting that you’ve smelled it and tasted it,” said Dr. Hirsch, a neurologist, psychiatrist and the founder of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago.

GRAPEFRUIT has also been extremely popular over the years for people trying to loose weight… AND now, there is scientific evidence that it does work. Researchers at Vanderbilt University have conducted a study investigating the effects of grapefruit on weight loss when the fruit is consumed as a “pre-load” before a meal. Grapefruit was selected for the study because of its reputation for facilitating weight loss. The study revealed that grapefruit, whether consumed in a solid or liquid form, demonstrated a measurable weight loss effect in participants, as well as providing other benefits.

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How to Build Muscle Natually While You Sleep!

Ever wonder how to build muscle naturally through your diet?

It seems like everyone today is obsessed with getting more definition in their legs, arms and abs? I can’t think of one woman who wouldn’t like that perfect subtle, feminine line on their bicep. However, for most it seems nearly impossible to achieve these results…until recently.

New research in the Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise reports that when taking 20 grams of protein after working out, and then again half an hour before bed, increases muscle growth naturally. You body will be working for you while you sleep!

Build Muscle Sleeping-

Just so you understand how little 20g of protein is, that equates to seven ounces of Greek Yogurt! Don’t like greek yogurt? You can also get this protein by gulping down two large glasses of low-fat milk! How simple is that!

If you like this article you may also like our article on tomatoes and loosing weight! Click here to read.

How to Loose Weight Fast – Japanese New Research

Ever wonder why Japanese women are so slim and live the longest in the world? There secret is tomatoes!! New research shows that tomatoes contain a substance that has been found to promote healthy fat burning, enabling you to trim down your sides without going to the gym.

Tomatoes and Weight Loss-

Tomatoes and Weight Loss Research Details

Professor Teruo Kawada and his team of researchers at the Laboratory of Molecular Function of Food in Kyoto have backed up the Tomato Diet with sound research. In particular, they found a substance in the tomatoes called 13-oxo-ODA,  which is a special type of unsaturated fatty acid. This chemical was found to help decrease the amount of neutral fat in your body and prevent metabolic syndrome from setting in.


What’s the secret?

The secret of using your genes to do this is in giving your body what it needs to build the enzymes it needs to trigger you fat burning furnace, i.e. activating your DNA.

So how much is required? Well, the researchers gave mice in the study approximately 200mL of tomato juice, which equates to about a small glass of tomato juice.

How much tomatoes does one need to get this weight-loss/ fat burning effect?

Therefore, if you drink 3 glasses of tomato juice a day your body has all the 13-oxo-ODA it needs to promote steady fat burning without exercise.


However, even though tomato juice is said to by high in “13-oxo-ODA”, don’t limit yourself to JUST TOMATO JUICE when dieting. In fact, tomato products contain ample amounts of 13-oxo-ODA. Thus, don’t let that stop you from having a hot bowl of tomato soup on cold days.

Anti Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation in our bodies has been linked to so many chronic illnesses, heart problems, diseases and even cancer. The great thing about all of this is that it can be largely preventable by incorporating certain foods into your diet. Check out this amazing new spin on the traditional food pyramid that focuses on all of the foods you should eat to reduce inflammation within your body. The more you focus on eating better and taking care of your body naturally NOW, the less you will have to worry about inflammatory-related diseases later in life.
