Nanoparticles and Doughnuts!

Trying to be more eco-friendly, sustainable and healthier can be hard in a world surrounded by so much temptation. No matter how healthy one tries to be, sometimes we have to cheat and grab a mouth-watering powdered donut filled with whatever our heart desires. But what if that doughnut had harmful chemicals that were one-billionth of a nanometer that could potentially be harmful to your health. Would you still want it then? Most definitely not!!!

Nanoparticles in Food

In a new report, As You Sow, an environmental health group found particle of titanium dioxide less than 10 nanometers in size in the powdered sugar coating on donuts from Dunkin’ and Hostess. The group argues that nanoparticles have no business in any kind of food until safety testing is done.

There is a huge lack of transparency occurring right now in the food industry about nano-particles in food and no one is willing to talk. Indeed, it is reported that nanotechnology is already being used in food and food related products, but again, due to lack of transparency on the issue, no one knows any details as to how much nano materials are being used.

What are nanoparticles?

I am sure you have heard of nanoparticles or nanotechnology by now. They are engineered, small particles that are roughly one-billionth of a meter in diameter (50 000 times smaller than the width of a human hair). We hear about these particles in the spotlight for medical technology, 3D printing and a wide array of technological advancements…but NOT IN OUR FOOD!

It is reported that nanotechnology is already being used in food and food related products but, due to the food industry’s lack of transparency on the issue, concrete information about whether, and how much, nanomaterials are being used in food products is difficult to obtain.

Nanoparticles and Health?

Many want to know how these particles if ingested will affect ones health. Their small size makes them more readily accepted into cells within our bodies, as well as allowing them to travel throughout of bloodstream faster than larger particles.

Currently noone knows the longterm effects of nanoparticles on our health. However, considering these particles have been ubiquitous in suscreens, lotions and other personal care products for a while and noone has raised serious concern, they are likely to pose a more longterm problems and are considered benign in the short-term.

With regards to titanium dioxide, the affect it has on our health hasn’t been studied long enough to have concrete answers, but one scientist found that the inhalation of highly insoluble titanium dioxide nanoparticles ~20 nanometers in diameter (note: the ones found in Dunkin Doughnuts were even SMALLER) resulted in significantly increased pulmonary inflammatory responses. With further investigation that same scientist found titanium dioxide nanoparticles were capable of penetrating through the skin and even into cellls, forming free radicals (often linked to cancer) and causing intracellular damage. Additionally, another sceintist by the name of Dr. Kreilgaard even suggested that very small titanium dioxide particles (~20 nm) could penetrate into skin and interact with the immune system.

So if you eat doughnuts frequently, maybe think of an alternative snack or get a doughnut that isn’t sprinkles with powder next time.


Oberdo¨ rster, G. (2001). Pulmonary effects of inhaled ultrafine particles. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 74, 1-8.

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