Matcha Benefits

Matcha is a high-end type of “green tea” that has the most incredible health benefits. If you’re not drinking matcha green tea yet, you’re behind the times! You must try this metabolism-enhancing, stress-reducing, immune-boosting, cholesterol-lowering, teenage-mutant-ninja cancer fighter!

Matcha Taste

Matcha tastes different to different people. However, many matcha enthusiasts would generally agree on the characteristics: 1. Alluring 2. Bitter 3. Misunderstood 3. Addicting 5. Complex.

If you don’t like your tea bitter and are a little afraid to purchase real matcha right away {despite the amazing benefits}, why not purchased a flavored version of the tea, such as the one by “Stash” below:

Matcha Benefits

What makes matcha more healthy that other types of green tea is the fact that you are actually drinking the “ground up tea leaves” themselves – instead of just the antioxidants etc. from the steeped tea.

How healthy may you ask? Lets just say Matcha green tea possesses an antioxidant levels 6.2 times that of goji berries, 7 times that of dark chocolate, 17 times that of wild blueberries and 60.5 times that of spinach!

To sum up all of the incredible benefits of “macha” green tea, refer to our lovely infographic below:




Matcha Recipes

Matcha can be quite intimidating when you first look at it and many people find themselves unsure of how to drink it. It can be a tad bitter, so it’s best to mix it with other ingredients. Here are a few Matcha Recipes:

matcha recipe

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