Herbal Remedies For Acne and Sunburned Skin

There are sooo many products out there for your skin, but sometimes you have to wonder what else exists in the marketplace today that is more “natural” and “organic”.

What many do not know is that some ingredients found in your “everyday” herbal teas and are very good for your skin. Two in particular are called “dandelion” and “burdock root”.


Dandelion Leaves - Eco-Savy.com Dandelion is one of the best detoxifying herbs. It will remove waste from your body, specifically that found in the liver and gallbladder.

With regards to keeping your skin healthy, a dandelion herbal tea or “tincture” is perfect. IT has been known to alleviate such conditions as eczema, psoriasis and nettle rash, as well as acne and boils. It is recommended that a tincture should be made from the root for eczema and should involve 0.5tsp diluted with scant ½ cup water, 3 times a day.


Burdock Root - Eco-Savy Burdock is one of my favorite herbs, just because of all of its incredible uses/properties. It is also one of the foremost detoxifying herbs in both Western and Chinese herbal medicine. The root helps the body eliminate waste products in chronic skin and arthritic conditions.

In particular, burdock’s diuretic, antibiotic, and mildly bitter action makes it helpful for skin disorders, especially where toxicity is a key factor, for example in acne, boils, abscesses, localized skin infections, eczema, psoriasis.

Best Way To Extract The Goodness From These Herbs: Tincture Technique

The best way to extract the properties from these herbs is to make a tincture.

How To Make A Tincture:

How to Make A Tinture



Skin rashes and sunburns usually clear up without any assistance, but herbal treatments can speed recovery.

CAUTION: If there are any signs of infection seek professional advice.

Internal Method – Natural Relief from Skin Burn

  • 0.25 oz of each root (burdock and dandelion) into three cups of water
  • Drink 2 cups of this dilution a day
  • Repeat for at least one week

External Method – Natural Relief from Skin Burn

  • Apply aloe vera gel
  • Apply neat lavender essential oils to the affected area as need to sooth the minor burn or sunburn


The result of local infection, hormonal imbalance or internal toxicity, acne and boils should be treated on the surface of the skin and internally.

CAUTION:  Do not squeeze or burst boils or acne spots as the infection may spread.

Internal Method – Natural Way To Clear Up Acne

  • Pour 0.25 oz of each root into three cups of water
  • Drink 2 cups of this dilution a day (note: this is just a recommendation)

External Method – Natural Way To Clear Up Acne

  • Make a decotion using 0.25 oz of burdock root and 0.5 oz of dandelion root
  • Dilute the strong solution with 3 cups of water

Even more exciting is that Eco-Savy will have a product just like this, soon for purchase <3

Can’t wait!

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