Great News! Proctor and Gamble Banning Triclosan

Triclosan In Toothpaste- NO MORE!

Earlier this month Eco-Savy published an article about “triclosan in toothpaste”. However, triclosan is used in a wide variety of personal care products including shaving creams, hair conditioners, deodorants, liquid soaps, hand soaps, facial cleansers and disinfectants

Consumers have raised a lot of concern surrounding “triclosan” and earlier this month industry giant Proctor & Gamble promised to phase out triclosan and DEP (a pthalate) from products worldwide. This is SOOOO GREAT!

no more triclosan

What is Triclosan and Pthalates?

Triclosan is a hormone disrupting chemical that is found in over 1,600 products in Canada. It is linked to superbugs and harms aquatic organisms. Phthalates are found in fragrances and PVC, and are linked to a whole host of human health problems, including birth defects in the male reproductive system, asthma, obesity, and cancer.

Walmart Phasing Out Key Toxic Chemicals In Products!

Following Proctor & Gamble’s announcement, just last week Walmart U.S., the largest retailer in the United States, launched a “Policy on Sustainable Chemistry in Consumables” , laying out their plans to phase out key toxics and to improve ingredient disclosure.


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