Facial Veins and Diet

Most people cover them up with makeup, but having the odd vein show on your face (nose, cheeks, under eyes), is actually very common and there are many natural ways in which one can get rid of them.

blue eye vein

Why Do I See Veins On My Face?

Having a vein showing on your face is a sign of a digestive enzyme insufficiency or low stomach acid.

How To Get Rid of Facial Veins?

Be aware that your body is screaming for food ensues. Try to eat more sprouted seeds, sprouted grains, raw fruits and raw veggies. The easies thing to do is to sprinkle some yummy “broccoli sprouts” (often 2 dollars for a little container at the grocery store) on some toast with cream cheese or in a salad.

Another solution is to take HCL supplements (1 tablet before your largest meal of the day) and a digestive enzyme supplement, taken with a sip of water halfway through a meal. Also, one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before meals can help too.

This advice was taken from Dr. Gillian McKeith, the author of “You Are What You Eat” (book can be found in the Eco-Savy Store) If you are on medication it is always good to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements.

Disclaimer: This is the advice of the author and is discussed only as a recommendation. Try at your own risk.


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