Best Tea Shop For Quality and Unique Gifts

Up until this point, eco-savy has focused a lot on harmful chemicals in products and what to stay clear of. However, now and again we are going to shift our focus on the importance of behavioural science and mindset in staying healthy. Let’s face it, when we are in a great mood/mindset or someone reaches out and does something so kind and unexpected, it has a lasting affect. Having the right mindset is important for you to achieve success and happiness in all areas of your life…along with surrounding yourself with the best, healthy (toxin free) products 😉

Continuing this thought, I Sara (founder of Eco-Savy) would like to mention one of my favorite places to go in Aurora Ontario (town I am from in Canada). This small town as one of the best tea shops I have ever been to in Canada and in my travels around the world. It is called Bonsai Hill, and the owner is probably the most dedicated, educated man about tea I know.

The atmosphere is so magical at Bonsai!! Just to give you an idea, imagine drinking tea and having soft classical music playing in the background, all the while you are surrounded by really high-end unique gifts for sale (from all around the world). This is followed by local unique artwork for sale and fresh teas mounted on one wall all around the world.

gift idea

We all know the incredible benefits of tea for our health in helping us loose weight (i.e. ultra skinny detox tea), have great skin and preventing illness (due to the high antioxidants), so I won’t get into that in this article. What I want to talk about primarily is kindness and mindset.

Normally, we don’t get personal here on Eco-Savy, but I felt so compelled to share my little story that sometimes it’s okay to make an exception. Anyways, today was my birthday and {of-course} I had to stop into my favourite tea store Bonsai Hill on the way home from work. Immediately I was greeted by Yanding (the store owner). Despite the fact that the store was busy, the owner still took the time to speak with me and show me all the amazing new tea additions to the store (and cute silver teaspoons which I just HAD to buy… view picture below).


When I was at the cash register, the store owner did the most kind, unexpected thing. He gave me a big bag of high-end white tea to take home. If you aren’t a tea fanatic like me, just know that “white tea” is very expensive and contains the most antioxidants of all the teas {it is also super tasty and less bitter than green tea}.

This unexpected act of kindness touched me so much that it literally made my whole day and birthday complete.  It also reminded me the power of going “out-of-the-way” sometimes and being kind to others, because you may really make a difference in that person’s day or life. For example, that small act of kindness compelled me to write this article to all 20 thousand of you who read this blog….bet Yanding (store owner) didn’t see that coming 🙂

In a world where everyone is so busy and caught up in their day-to-day activities, it’s important to reach out to one another sometimes and be kind. You just don’t know what it will lead to, or how it will positively impact that person.


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