Manuka Health Benefits

Manuka honey is primarily produced in New Zealand. This natural super-food is gradually gaining the attention and respect of both medical professionals and everyday health-minded individuals due to its healing and antibacterial properties. Manuka honey comes from the Manuka trees, which are primarily found in a specific place in New Zealand called the East Cape Region.

What Are Some Manuka Health Benefits?

Manuka Health Benefits: Antibacterial Properties

In general, all kinds of honey have natural honey health benefits. However, what makes Manuka more potent and beneficial to health is its high of a very powerful antibacterial component called methylglyoxal or MG.

The healing and antibacterial capacity of Manuka stems from its MG content. Generally speaking, the more MG a bottle of Manuka honey has, the more potent it is in providing various health benefits.

 However, it is important to note that not all Manuka honeys are created equal. Honey experts use a certain scale in rating the potency of Manuka called Unique Manuka Factor or UMF. The higher the UMF is, the higher the concentration of MG and the more potent it is.  Thus, for you to experience the therapeutic honey health benefits of Manuka, you need to make sure that it has a UMF rating of 10 or more.

Endless Manuka Honey Health Benefits

Typically, Manuka is used in treating wounds and burns by applying it on top of them. Aside from that, this natural health wonder is also marketed as a natural healer of various diseases. Here are some Manuka health benefits.

– Treat Gastrointestinal Problem

Treat Diabetes

  Reduce Systemic Inflammation

  Prevent Cancer

  Treat Infections on the Eyes, Sinus, and Ears

Reduce High Cholesterol

  Treat Rashes, Hives, Rosacea, Eczema

  Can Be Used as Facial Mask

However, it should be noted that some of these Manuka health benefits do not have any scientific researches or studies to back them up. In fact, Dr. Ron Fessenden from The Honey Revolution warns diabetic people not to take Manuka honey on a daily basis since its high concentration of methylglyoxal can lead to various health complications.

Manuka Flower

Manuka Flower

Scientific Proof Behind Manuka Honey’s Health Benefits?

Over the past couple of years, various research and studies have been conducted that prove that Manuka honey is more than just another over-hyped natural superfood. There is truth in some of its health claims.

For instance, several clinical studies reveal that Manuka is highly effective in healing wounds, fighting infections, and treating leg ulcers.  The Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database supports these scientific researches by regarding honey as an effective agent in treating burns and wounds. However, it should be noted that not all studies have the same conclusion when it comes to the capacity of Manuka  in treating ulcers. Some studies reveal that this natural health wonder does not help in healing ulcers at all.

Furthermore, The Cochrane Review has said that the use of honey dressings may reduce the amount of time needed for mild burns to heal. Also, in a study conducted just recently, it has been found that Manuka honey can prevent periodontal diseases, such as gingivitis, by lowering plaque buildup.

Manuka Health Benefits: Reduces Inflammation After Chemotherapy

In addition, in 2010 the National Cancer Institute has approved the use of Manuka as a treatment in minimizing the inflammation of the esophagus caused by chemotherapy. I thought this manuka health benefit in particular was especially interesting!

Manuka Health Benefit: Aids In Eliminating “Superbugs”

But perhaps one the most notable Manuka health benefits is that it does reduces the development of “superbugs” due to its antimicrobial properties. Superbugs are bacteria that have already become resistant to antibiotics after multiple exposure to them. Professor Rose Cooper found that the combination of antibiotics and Manuka is highly effective in eliminating these superbugs.

Indeed, Manuka honey is very beneficial to your health. If taken properly or as instructed by a medical professional, this natural superfood will bring numerous amazing health benefitsto your body.

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