
Below is a message from the founder of eco-savy.com

Hi there!

My name is Sara Bonham and I am the founder of Eco-Savy.com.

FIrst off, let me say thank you for finding interest in this site and coming back time and time again.

A little about myself, well, I am from Canada (…and no we don’t live in ice huts and travel by dog sleds- although that would be cool). I am formally educated in food chemistry, materials engineering and sustainable material science. My true passion is sustainability and developing products for industry that are better for the environment and your health. I also love sharing and connecting with people from all over the world; bringing you honest, cutting-edge information, so you can make better decisions in your everyday life about the products you bring into your home.

I created eco-savy because there is a huge disconnect occurring in the marketplace today. There are thousands and thousands of “eco-friendly”, “green” and “natural” products, but noone understands what these terms mean or what ingredients to look for which give these products such bold claims. We are in the era of “information overload” and are too easily persuaded by green-wash advertising claims. Basically, the disconnect lies between industry and the consumerEco-savy is here to fill in this void.

We are hear to help consumers understand today’s eco-marketplace, by analyzing today’s products – breaking them down and separating the good ones from those that have been falsely marketed. The website is truly for the people, and I hope it continues to inspire you to make better choices in your daily lives. As well, I hope the website helps you realize how simple and “savvy” being eco-freindly can truly be. 

As the website grows, we hope to engage you more with interesting content and encourage your participation in the site. Here at Eco-Savy we believe that everyone can be apart of the Eco-revolution happening in today’s marketplace. 

The site is for you, so as the reader base grows, we hope to adapt/evolve it into what interests our readers the most. After all, being “eco-savvy” expands beyond everyday consumes and food products, and touches every aspect of your day-to-day life…it’s a life-style! 

In the end it all comes down to sustainability. Sustainability is vital for our future and that of our children and grandchildren. Choosing to be more Eco-friendly goes a lot deeper than just buying a product with 5% renewable materials. It is recognizing this we strive to help you make sense of all the products on the market; allowing you to make better, more informed decisions.


4 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you so much for you kind words. If you need anything from Eco-Savy we would be happy to help 🙂

  2. Hello,

    Your site is awesome and I’m curious to see if you’re currently accepting new contributors. If so, I’d love to be considered as a future contributor. Here’s what I can offer:

    – A unique perspective that may be valuable to your readers.
    – Fresh, quality content that readers will love.
    – More traffic and increased readership.
    – Below are some previously published articles I have written:



    Thank you for your time,
    – Jonathan

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