Shocking FAQs

Shocking FAQ’s about the products in your life and how they may affect your health!

Did you know?

Personal Care Products:
– A consumer may use as many as 2 different products containing 200 different chemical compounds daily (1)
– 89% of 10,500 ingredients used in personal care products have not been screened for safety (as of 2006) (1)
– One-third of personal care products contain one or more ingredient linked to cancer, and  45% of all products contain ingredients that may pose reproductive and developmental risks. (1)
– Bubble bath soaps (foam) almost always contain sodium lauryl sulfate which can be contaminated with carcinogens from chemical processing as well as formaldehyde (possibly cancer causing) and many chemical perfumes.


– One out of 10 ingredients used in cosmetic and personal care products shows evidence  of reproductive toxicity in laboratory studies (1)
– Lipstick can contain petroleum distillates which can cause damage to your nervous system, skin, kidneys and eyes. They also can contain aluminum, a known toxin. (2)
– Talcum powder was linked in a 1982 article in the journal of Cancer to a 328% increased risk of ovarian cancer for women who apply it to sanitary napkins and genitals. (2)
– Preservatives in cosmetics extend shelf life by preventing bacterial contamination. Formaldehyde, methyl and propyl-paraben are used in a wide range of traditional cosmetics. To learn more about parabens click here. Avoid all products containing these preservatives and opt for those that use natural alternatives such as antioxidants like vitamin E.
– DEHP (di-2-ethyl-hexyl-phthalate) is now prohibited by the Cosmetics Ingredient Hotlist and has been classified as a probable human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. New research even shows that exposure to phthalates has been linked to disorders such as reduced semen quality, reduced angogenital distance as well as testicular cancer. (3)

– Shockingly “hypo-allergenic” doesn’t guarantee an absence of allergic reactions, it only minimizes the occurrence of well-known allergens

Shaving Creams:
– Benzyl acetate: linked to pancreatic cancer (may be absorbed through the skin). (2)
– Ethyl Acetate: May cause damage to the liver and kidneys, headaches and dehydration of the skin. (2)
– Terpineol: Linked to pneumonitis or even fatal edema if breathed into the lungs, central-nervous-system and respiratory damage, and headaches. (2)

Household Cleaners
– A study by the Environmental Protection Agency revealed that toxic chemicals in household cleaners are three times more likely to cause cancer than outdoor air.
– The Asthma Society of Canada has identified common household cleaners and cosmetics as triggers to asthma (2)


(1) Skin Deep Report (2006). Online: Accessed: March, 2013
(2) Baillie-Hamilton, P. Toxic Overload. Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated. (2005)
(3) Vasil, A. (2012) Ecoholic Body: Your Ultimate Earth-Friendly Guide to Living Healthy & Looking Good. Vintage Canadian Edition.

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