Eating For Energy

Isn’t it odd that cancer hospitals never existed before 1904 (the first was the American Oncological Hospital) and that nowadays the American Cancer Society tells us that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women are at risk of developing cancer in their lifetime!

Have you ever noticed that wild animals do not suffer from obesity, cancer, or the other disease that now plague humans? These beautiful animals are as nature intended – healthy, fit, and suited for survival. And guess what…that’s what nature has intended for you as well.


But what is shocking and downright sad is that when animals are taken from their natural wild habitats, and domesticated, they begin to exhibit the same symptoms and diseases that effect most humans. Have you ever owned a pet that was put down because it suffered from “human” disease? I know many people who have. It’s not right. Not for a dog, cat, nor for you and me, either!

There is obviously something we are doing and eating that is creating disease instead of promoting health and vital energy!

Wouldn’t you rather eat as nature intended for you? Your body was created to eat natural whole foods, preferably in their raw living state — not as cooked foods that are void of nutrients, enzymes, and life energy!

Eco-Savy highly recommends the program “Eating for Energy“. Eating for Energy will show you how to transition from a dead food diet into a way of eating that incorporates more alkalizing, enzyme-rich, energy producing raw foods.

The difference between dead and living foods can easily be seen in the following 2 kirlian photographs. The one on the left is of raw organic broccoli. Notice the energy emanating from it. Conversely, the broccoli on the right has been lightly steamed for just 1 minute! Notice the drastic reduction in energy or life force.

Considering that we are physical beings with undeniable energy properties, which broccoli would you rather feed your body? Having said that, there’s nothing wrong with eating cooked foods on occasion. But for ultimate energy and health, raw foods should make up a greater portion of what you eat.

One of the Most Powerful Nutrition Programs Ever Developed on Boosting Your Energy and Enjoying a Life of Vitality!

With Eating for Energy, you’re about to discover what might be the most powerful energy-boosting raw food diet ever developed. It’s a similar approach to simple and natural nutrition used by the healthiest people that inhabit our planet including the Hunza of the Himalayas and the Tarahumara of Mexico (both of whom live well above 100 years old in great health).

It is also used by many celebrities to help them lose weight and reach single digit body fat levels. But most importantly, the raw food approach you’ll learn about in Eating for Energy is so straightforward, powerful, and simple that even applying just 10% of its principles will change your life forever! I guarantee it.

You don’t have to be stranded on a deserted island, have access to millions of superfood ingredients, or be a raw foodist for this raw food diet to work for you. If so, that’s great but that’s not intention with this ebook.


Eco-Savy guarantees within a matter of days or a few shorts weeks of reading Eating for Energy:

  • You will have more energy than a toddler on a sugar high!
  • You will lose fat permanently without wrecking your metabolism!
  • You will look 10 years younger and make cosmetic models envious of your glowing skin!
  • You can eat more…yet, you won’t want to!
  • You will overcome crippling “bad” food cravings and finally be in control of the foods you put in your body!
  • You will know more about how to eat healthy than most nutrition professors!
  • You will slow the aging process, live longer, and rarely get sick again!
  • You will feel so much better about yourself and have unstoppable confidence to live your life to the max!
  • You will have more physical strength, stamina, and vigor!

Click Here!

The Health Benefits of Pineapple


The Health Benefits of Pineapple Health benefits of pineapples are endless. What surprised me the most about pineapples is how abundant in vitamin A they are. Vitamin A is great for supporting eye health (I have bad vision so this is great for me). Furthermore, vitamin A is full of antioxidants and when eating fruits and vegetables rich in these flavonoids it helps protect the body from lung and oral cavity cancers.


5 Natural Ways To Relieve Headaches and Migraines

Have you ever felt like the only person in your family or group of friends that gets headaches? I have. Surprisingly, it is a lot more common than you would think. An estimated 15% of the population of America actually gets headaches once a week – that’s 40 million Americans!

natural headache relief-

There two main types of headaches- tension headaches and migraines. An estimated 90% of headaches are tension headaches (begin in the back of the neck or head and spread outward, with a dull non-throbbing pain). The other the other 10% are of the horrible kind – migraines, cluster headaches and caffeine withdrawal hadaches. These 10% are a direct result of the opening and closing of blood vessels in the head that set off pain.

So how does one naturally reduce headaches? Easy, through diet! Below are the top ten natural ways to reduce headaches.

1) Bay Leaves

Bay contains a compound known as parthenolides that are extremely useful in preventing migraines. Basically the parthenolides in the bay leaves inhibit serotonin release from blood cells. So next time when you make a soup, just throw a few bay leaves in it.

2) Feverfew

It’s been more than 10 years now since feverfew helped me with migraines. When reflecting on the medical literature, feverfew seems to work for about two-thirds of those who use it consistently. Furthermore, studies in the British Medical Journal agree that taking feverfew regularly prevents migraine attacks.

3) Willow Bark

This miracle tree was also previously discussed in Eco-Savy’s article on Natural Pain Relief Supplements. It basically contains an active ingredient called “salicin” which was originally used to make aspirin (of course today Aspirin is 100% synthesized- surprise, surprise).

Will Bark is so effective, that in Germany the government endorses willow bark as an effective pain reliever for headaches. Specifically the German Commission E recommends getting between 60-120 mg of salicin to treat a headache which is equivalent to 1 tsp. of the high-salicin bark or 1-1.5 tea spoons of white willow bark. Even more crazy is that 86% of the salicin in willow bark is absorbed by the digestive extract, providing a good blood level of the chemical for several hours.

Read more….click below

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Benefits of Tumeric

Want to find a more natural cure for digestion, circulation, arthritis and your overall health? Well, it probably already exists in your home! It’s called Turmeric…you know, that BRIGHT YELLOW HERB that probably has been sitting there for a while?

Turmeric Health Benefits

Benefits of Tumeric

The benefits of turmeric are endless. It has been used for centuries and is actually considered an ancient herb. Today it is often prescribed by naturalpathic doctors to treat everything from digestion, arthritis, skin conditions, circulation, liver ailments and to increase health of the brain.

Why is Tumeric Powder good for you?

Turmeric health benefits are a result of the antioxidant called curcuminoids. Curcuminoids key benefits are that it (1) eases inflammation (2) eases stomach pain (3) stimulates the secretion of bile and (4) kills bacteria.

Limitations of Turmeric

The only limitations of turmeric, as many herbs on your spice rack, is that it is not as concentrated or as easily absorbed by your body when compared to the turmeric in quality supplements.


Where to Buy Quality Turmeric Supplements?

To increase the absorption in your body of turmeric and thus health benefits, scientists have taken this potent herb and created a really incredible supplement called Theracurmin. What’s so great about theracurmin? The particle size.

The average curcumin particle size is more than 100 times smaller than particles of curcumin powder alone. These microscopic particles are obtained by mixing curcumin powder with all-natural emulsifiers, including gum from the Indian ghatti tree. The mixture is ground to an extremely fine state, then the particles are dispersed evenly through the emulsifiers and kept in suspension so the curcumin is easily absorbed by the digestive tract. As a result, the level of curcumin antioxidant that is actually absorbed is much greater.

Scientific Studies: Benefits of Turmeric

In a research study using healthy human volunteers, scientists were each given an oral dose of 30mg of curcumin powder (Sasaki) and 30mg of Theracurmin at different time periods. The bio-availablility was analyzed and found to be 27 times higher for Theracumin.
Researchers from Michigan State University, also published a study in the Journal of Biological Chemistry showing that curcumin helps prevent abnormal protein formation, thus supporting neurological communications. Ultimately this may help prevent Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease. Curcuminoids, especially in this highly absorbable form found in Theracumin supplements, may be able to cross the blood-brain barrier to influence biochemical reactions in the brain. 

Questions for Eco-Savy readers. Fill out in Comment Box Below.

So have you every tried Theracumin? Eco-Savy encourages its readers to write about turmeric and wants to promote discussion on the benefits of this herb and your health. For example, have you ever used this herb to help with any health problems such as digestion, circulation, arthritis? Have you found another natural herb that helps just as much?
We look forward to your comments.

Natural Pain Relief Supplements

So many of us are so caught up on the “Tylenol” marketing bandwagon, that we have been trained not to even think of possible alternative remedies when we have a headache, cramps or inflammation. Believe it or not, there are some great natural alternatives for your pain, if you ever want to avoid the litany of drugstore painkillers polluting our waterways. Here are a few your might want to consider:

whiite willow bard-eco-savy

White Willow Bark: This bark contains “salicin” which was originally used to make aspirin (of course today Aspirin is 100% synthesized- surprise, surprise). It is also known as an “herbal aspirin” and is really good for headaches, pain relief, muscle aches, cramps as well as lowering fever. Most children are not allowed to take antibiotics when sick (or doctors don’t give it out very readily), so this could even be a more diluted solution for when your little-one is sick.

Turmeric: Ever wonder what this spice is good for besides in “curry”??? Well it actually is considered an anti-carcinogenic root and can do incredible work reducing inflammation throughout your body. It is also a mild blood thinner and is currently being tested on everything from Alzheimer’s to HIV. You can even add black pepper to your turmeric in cooking to bump up its bio-availability thanks to the piperine in there. If you are like me at hate the taste of turmeric, you can buy a natural turmeric extract called BCM-95. What is great about BCM -95…maybe even eat this after you have sprinkled some black pepper on your breakfast to increase its absorption.

Capsaicin: Otherwise known as cayenne pepper cream desensitizes pain receptors called C-fibres and really helps to reduce nerve and muscle pain on contact. I warn you, though, to keep this cream away from your eyes and mucous membranes: it’ll burn a lot!

Have you heard of any natural supplements that work miracles for you? Eco-Savy would love to hear about them! Looking forward to hearing your comments.